Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Headache Log : Neurologist

Are you claustrophobic?  No.  Thank goodness.  I get sucked into the tube where I hold still for 30 entire minutes.  I am told that I can't even blink.  I worry the entire time that every single movement of my eyeballs is going to throw off the MRI machine and I'll have to do it again!  I swear I've never been itchier in my life!
In two weeks I end up with the most beautiful, colorful, images of my brain.  The neurologist can find nothing.

She confirms I'm having migraines.  I say to her, "But I'm not nauseous or throwing up.  The pain is not on only one side of my head.  How can they be migraines?"
She tells me, "When any part of your face hurts you are having a migraine."
She also tells me that migraine pain intensity can vary.  It may not always be excruciating.

She asks how often I'm having headaches or migraines now that I'm on the preventative.  I tell her 3-5 days a week.  She says I should only be having them 1 or 2 times a month.  I thought 3-5 a week was pretty good considering what I had just come from.  She doesn't suggest any further treatment or follow up or a different medication.  Doctor knows best.  So that's the end of my treatment.

Well, except for my physical therapy.

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