Friday, December 30, 2016


One week post-op I go back to see Dr. Rose and I'm so excited to get the splints out of my nose!  I can't breathe with them in there and they are so uncomfortable.  Imagine the worst congestion ever and nothing relieves it and you can't blow your nose at all!

Dr. Rose informs me that the bone spur had torn some of the tissue inside my sinuses and he had to use some of the cartilage he removed during the septoplasty to repair the tear.  Because of this, the splints have to stay in an extra week.  I nearly cried.

I go back in two weeks post-op and finally get the suckers removed.  Dr. Rose said it would feel like he was pulling my brains out through my nose when he pulled the splints out and he wasn't kidding!

And look at the size of those things!  I don't think I realized there was that much room inside my nose.

But oh my goodness I can breathe!


September 9, 2016 I had my septum corrected and the bone spur removed.  I read that the first 24 hours are the worst and I can attest to how true that is.  I was also told that I'd probably feel fine enough to go back to work after 3 or 4 days, but that most people don't because of the bruising.  Since my time of was going to be unpaid I planned to swallow my pride and return to work as soon as I felt well enough - bruises be damned.
I googled what the bruising would look like and when I could expect to return.  And then I waited for the bruises to come on.

Ok, so I'm sort of drugged Day 1, as you can clearly see.  Day 2 I'm still fairly drugged.  Day 3 is good.  But where are the bruises?

I don't know if I'm an anomaly or if  it's because I went to a plastic surgeon instead of an ENT, but I never got a single bruise.

And I didn't feel better after 3 or 4 days.  While the first 24 hours were certainly the worst, I had a migraine every day for 6 days.  

The doctor said I won't experience any headache or migraine relief for 1-3 months because of the inflammation.   

Botox with the Plastic Surgeon

So in July 2016 I go visit the plastic surgeon who does migraine surgery  (Dr. Kevin Rose of the Rose Clinic in Provo, UT).  Armed with the information that I have a deviated septum and that the only nerve block that has had any measure of success at all is the SPG block (sphenopalatine ganglion) I feel we can narrow down the possible culprits much easier than before.  I get his Botox injections, deeper and concentrated in very specific areas.  We inject above both eyebrows and in both temples.  And then we wait.

In the meantime, I am to get a CT scan of my nasal septum and sinuses.

The botox injections haven't reduced my headache days, but this time they have allowed me to hone in on the headaches and their origin a little better.  They most often originate behind my left eye.  But if my septum is deviated towards the right side then why are my headaches starting behind my left eye?

I follow-up with Dr. Rose and see the images from the CT scan.  I have a bone spur on the left side of my septum deep inside in my nose.

Deviated Septum

The neurologist treating me for sleep apnea made the observation that I have a deviated septum (interesting that no one else has ever said anything about this).  I also have hypertrophy of the tonsils (EVERYONE mentions this to me).  She suggested I see an otolaryngologist (ear nose and throat or ENT) about it.  Which I do.  He suggests surgery, though not very strongly.  Because I can't take the 2 or more weeks of work necessary to have my tonsils removed and the 1 week for the septoplasty I decide not to pursue it at this time.  Besides, is getting my tonsils out going to cure my headaches?  If the CPAP isn't helping the headaches then how will getting my tonsils out help?

But the deviated septum, that gets me thinking .... remember the plastic surgeon? The one who does migraine surgery? One of the nerves that can cause migraines is deep in the nose.

Sleep Apnea

July 2015 - Tizanidine.  No effect.

September 2015 - Venlafaxine ER.  No effect.  Odd side effect though, I would wake in the morning or middle of the night and feel like I could barely breath, like my throat was thick and sort of numb. My doctor said this is a side effect people with sleep apnea experience so she recommended a consult with another neurologist who specializes in sleep disorders including sleep apnea.

January 2016 - Seroquel.  No effect.

Also in January I had my consult with the sleep disorder neurologist.  He said, based on the way I answered several questions, he was certain I didn't have sleep apnea.  However, because of all the scary health consequences of untreated sleep apnea, I decided to do the overnight test and be 100% certain I didn't have it.  Plus, I could check off that box as a possible contributor.

Well, turns out I DO have sleep apnea.  I woke, on average, 22 times per hour.  Geez!  No wonder I was exhausted all the time!

February 2016 - Hydroxyzine.  No effect and it had a side effect, it make me very depressed.  I stopped taking this in May 2016.

May 2016 I stopped taking Hydroxyzine and didn't go on anything new at this time.  Just pursuing the sleep apnea issue to see if it's the cause.

After I was put on a CPAP machine I began having so much more energy.  But after several months of using it and even adjusting the pressure, the headaches didn't get any better.