Friday, December 30, 2016

Deviated Septum

The neurologist treating me for sleep apnea made the observation that I have a deviated septum (interesting that no one else has ever said anything about this).  I also have hypertrophy of the tonsils (EVERYONE mentions this to me).  She suggested I see an otolaryngologist (ear nose and throat or ENT) about it.  Which I do.  He suggests surgery, though not very strongly.  Because I can't take the 2 or more weeks of work necessary to have my tonsils removed and the 1 week for the septoplasty I decide not to pursue it at this time.  Besides, is getting my tonsils out going to cure my headaches?  If the CPAP isn't helping the headaches then how will getting my tonsils out help?

But the deviated septum, that gets me thinking .... remember the plastic surgeon? The one who does migraine surgery? One of the nerves that can cause migraines is deep in the nose.

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