Thursday, March 10, 2011

Headache Log : No Correlation

December 2010 - The mood is getting worse.

The days continue to get shorter and the inversion seems to be happening more often.  Doesn't that sound so nice?  Utah doesn't have smog.  We don't have pollution - we have inversion.  Because most of the time our pollution is blown out of our beautiful valleys to become someone elses problem.  But a few months out of the year - it stays around as the result of the inversion and is the Wasatch Fronts problem.  This month it's my problem.  I work on the 21st floor.  If I worked just a few floors higher I'd actually be at an altitude that's high enough to be above the inversion.  I wonder some days if that would be better or worse.  I'd get more sunlight - that would be nice.  But when you're under the inversion if you have a really good imagination you can pretend it's cloudy or foggy.  When you're above it you can see it for what it really is.  And from where I am,  I'm right inside the inversion.  Right inside the pollution. 

By the end of December I have about a month and a half of headache calendar and I can see that there's no correlation with my menstrual cycle.  Obviously!  When you have headaches 20 days out of the month how can they possibly be related to your menstrual cycle?  And they don't appear to be related to the inversion.  But my sadness may still be from SAD.  How appropriately named.

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