Monday, May 9, 2011

Headache Log : Suicidal or Homicidal?

After a wonderful week with no headaches or migraines at all.... (Yes, I can hardly believe it myself - it's a new record!  I went for 5 days without a single headache!)...I had a weekend full of migraines.  Fortunately these were not drug resistant - at least not completely - the drugs took the edge off.   
Saturday night was a family dinner and I listened to kids screaming.  One nephew in particular has an extremely shrill and high pitched squeal and he let it loose that night.  UGH!  MY ACHING HEAD!

Then Sunday I went to Target to fill a prescription I had run out of.  Sunday was Mother's Day (a day that used bring me some amount of heartache).  There were lots of mothers and fathers there with their children.  One child was yelling for a least 10 minutes near the top of his lungs "double chin!" over and over and over again.  I could hear him clear across the store.  GOOD GOD SOMEONE SHUT THAT KID UP!  And another child was squealing in delight at having found her mother for her father, a few seperate times. 

I realized in that moment, in Target, and thinking back on just the night before, how incredibly blessed I am not to be a mother.  I thanked the heavens and the earth in those minutes in Target that I don't have children.  Because honestly, with these migraines, if I did have a child and that little bundle of joy and/or misery screamed or yelled like these children this weekend - I'd either kill her/him or I'd kill myself. 

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