Thursday, April 28, 2011

Headache Log : Drug Cocktail

Had my follow-up with the neurologist this week.  No hole in my heart, nothing on the MRI of my neck, nothing on the MRI of my brain (except that little pesky white spot).  So where do we go from here? 
Oh, and the good week was a fluke.  Bad weekend following that good week and a headache every single day since then. 
I could happily report that I am now able to focus and concentrate on homework.  (Unless I have a migraine.  But at least we know the Topomax is no longer affecting me.)  And my mood seemed to have improved.  Those were the only happy reports I could give. 
I was sort of hoping for a sleeping pill.  What I got was another anti-depressant that they said would also help me sleep.   And they asked that I start taking my Cymbalta at bedtime instead - perhaps that would help.  Because the headaches are still not gone and in fact, seem to be worse (at least lately) I was also prescribed an additional migraine preventative.  I have to start taking folate and also baby aspirin every morning.
So in an attempt to get rid of my headaches & migraines I now take 5 different pills a day.  Then I have my pill for my tummy. 
Oh, and the only thing that has been giving me any time of relief (excedrin - if the headache is very light) I am not allowed to take any more.  Or rather, I can't take it more than 10 times a month. :(

Lastly, the neurologist has ordered an occipital nerve block.  Not entirely sure what this does, but my understanding is that it will be similar to the Botox shots.  The doctor wants to try and break my body of this headache/migraine cycle.
I'll be getting those shots later in May. 

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