Thursday, June 9, 2011

Botox : Information

I've received criticism from some regarding my desire to get medical botox and then having actually done it.  People can't understand why I would put "poison" in my body.  I have done my research and now I want to clear a few things up regarding "poisons" and most importantly, Botox.

There is a bacterium called Clostridium Botulinum that is most often found in spoiled food.  By consuming infected food this bacteria it is able to enter your blood stream and systemic systems and can virtually attack any part of your body.  Clostridium Botulinum, or Botulism, produces 7 different neurotoxins.  These 7 toxins attach themselves to the axon terminals of neurons preventing the synthesis and exocytosis of the chemical messenger acetylcholine.  Acetylcholine is used throughout the body, but is especially important in the innervation of muscle tissue.  Without the release of acetylcholine a muscle contraction cannot occur, which means paralysis of that muscle.  This is particularly troublesome if the neurons being attacked are those that innervate the muscles of respiration.  If you can't breathe, you will inevitably die.  This is also a serious problem if the neurons are those that innervate your heart.  

Could the prevention of muscle contraction possibly be a good thing? 

One cause of migraine headaches in some people is neuralgia or nerve pain.  A cause of occipital and trigeminal neuralgia is that a few of those nerves (or their branches) upon leaving the skull have to pass through very narrow passageways in bone, tissue, and between muscles.  If one or even many of the muscles surrounding that nerve contracts it can pinch or irritate that nerve causing nerve pain (neuralgia). 
Again, I ask, could the prevention of a muscle contraction be a good thing?  If those facial, cranial, and neck muscles can't contract, they can't pinch the nerve and will therefore prevent neuralgia (nerve pain).

As I said, the bacterium Clostridium Botulinum produces 7 different neurotoxins.  Those neurotoxins affect many different proteins necessary in the synthesis and release of acetylcholine.  Botulinum Toxin A is only ONE of those SEVEN toxins.  And it only affects ONE protein.  Botulinum Toxin A (Botox) is RELATED to the bacterium Clostridium Botulinum (known as botulism).  But it is not botulism.  It is a purified, sterilized, and diluted protein derived from Clostridium Botulinum. 

Second point - I do not ingest botulism or even Botox.  It is not put "IN" my body.  It is put on my body.  It does not enter the blood stream to then travel to other areas in my body.  It does not affect other systems in the body.  (Like any medicine that you might ingest.) 

The amount of Botox used in medicine and cosmetics is 50 units.  Because this is only one of 7 neurotoxins used by bacterium Clostridium Botulinum, and it has been diluted, purified, and sterilized, in order for Botox to be fatal a person would have to receive an injection of THOUSANDS of units DIRECTLY into the heart.

Curare is a toxin derived from a plant.  It has been used for thousands of years to make the often fatal "poison darts".  Curare is also used to relax muscles during anesthesia.
Purple foxglove is a poison that has been found to be a very effective heart medication.
Willow bark is toxic and causes fatal bleeding.  But it is also used to prevent or minimize the effects of a heart attack as well as to prevent strokes. And has been found to reduce inflammation, relieve pain, and reduce fever.  In fact, millions of people consciously ingest this poison every single day (it is called aspirin). 
The crocus flower is a very poisonous flower, but one of the most expensive spices in the world is derived from this flower.  If you have ever intentionally eaten saffron, you could be said to have consciously ingested a poison.

Let's also not forget that whenever you get a vaccination you are getting a small or inactive amount of a particular virus injected into your body.  You are getting "medicine" that has been derived from a very mean, nasty, and virulent virus.  (Viruses are some of the most potent, fast-evolving, fascinating, and beautiful creatures on this planet.  And they are amazing and efficient little killing machines.)

It would seem that the words "toxin or poison" and "medicine" can be synonymous.  What may be "medicine" to one person may be toxic to another.  And what may be toxic to one may be "medicine" to another.  Or what may be toxic when used in one way is actually medicine when used another.

When I went on Cymbalta no one said to me, "Why would you put that poison in your body?"  But from my personal experience ingesting Cymbalta was much more toxic to my entire body than Botox has been to the few tiny muscles it was applied to.

Also, interesting to note, studies have shown that Botox is safer than aspirin.  But I bet that many of you have taken aspirin and thought nothing of it.

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