Tuesday, April 28, 2015

More cocktail experiments

August 2014
A new anticonvulsant (like Topomax) is out. This one is time release, unlike Topomax, and people are reporting significantly fewer cognitive side effects with it.  It's called Trokendi.  Much like Topomax I have to slowly increase the dosage.
Headaches are much improved, but I am the small percentage of people who experience the cognitive side effects.

October 2014
We decide to experiment for a few months with the dosage, up and down and all around.  The side effects don't go away.
She tells me that her colleague is going to be part of a study in the next few months and he will be administering a new study medication to his patients. It was used in Australia with great success and some other studies have been done in the US with success.  It's perfectly safe. She needs to talk to him more to find out what the qualifications are, but two that she's aware of - no nerve blocks in the past 3 months and no Botox in the past 3 months.  No problem, it's been quite a while since I had any of that.

November 2014
I inquire about her colleague and this new experimental medication.  You can't be on anything that's working for you.  So I'd be disqualified based on that.

December 2014
I go off Trokendi. I can't handle the side effects.
Yet another part of the Topomax cocktail is a potassium channel blocker so we introduce Oxcabazepine to my cocktail. I have great hopes for it since it's used for Trigeminal neuralgia.  I figure if the SPG Block worked so well then the issue is, at least in part, my Trigeminal nerve (I've long suspected this, actually). I am to slowly increase the dosage over the next month.
It seems that every time I bump up the dosage I have a few days of relief.  So I continue to be hopeful.

January 2015
Still hopeful regarding the Oxcarbazepine.  How high can I go? I knew I was at the low end of the scale and that I could increase, but wasn't sure where the ceiling was.  She says I can go to 1200 mg a day (600 mg 2 times a day). 

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