Friday, May 20, 2011


An hour and a half.  That's all the sleep I got Tuesday night.  Went to sleep late - about 11 (partially because I was out too late and partially because it took me awhile to fall asleep.)  By 12:30 AM I was wide awake.  I tossed and turned for about an hour.  Then I played sudoku and checked email and such for about an hour.  (Darn it!  Why did I leave my book in the car?)  Then I decided to watch some TV.  That would use less brain power than sudoku so maybe it would help me relax.  Watched a 2 hour episode of Celebrity Apprentice.  By this time it is 4:30.  I AM actually starting to feel a bit tired, but my alarm is going off in 30 mins since I need to be at work early for meetings.  I think I had just shut my eyes and began to drift when it's time for me to get up :(
I can't recall a time when I've ever felt so exhausted before.  I felt like a zombie!  And one of my co-workers lovingly told me I looked like one, too.
I am experiencing postdrome in addition to the exhaustion - what a lovely combination. 
Trapezius is still hurting on the right side in the shoulder region.  But no headache in the morning and only a mild one the rest of the day.  The exhaustion was enough to deal with anyway.

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