Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Potentially Great News

Spoke with my neurologists PA today and it turns out I may qualify for Botox injections to treat my migraines.  The best thing about this (versus the plastic surgeon who suggested Botox injections) is that it is quite possibly covered by my insurance.
The FDA has approved Botox as an acceptable treatment for migraines in certain circumstances and Paula, my cute PA, has said that I am an excellent candidate.  To be a candidate I have to:
1) have more than 15 headaches a month - CHECK
2) not respond to several preventative medications - CHECK
so she's working now with my insurance company to get it covered for me.

1 comment:

  1. That's such good news, amidst the news that nothing else works!

    Does botox kill the muscles that are causing the problem?

    I had migraines for about 2 years while in the military, and some that lasted for days.
