Wednesday, July 18, 2012

DHE Injection

The middle of June brought on a new cycle - a two week migraine.  Since nothing was touching it we decided to try a new medication, but this one was a little tricky.  An injection of dihydroergotamine or D.H.E.  Often used to treat migraines and chronic headaches.  Google it, the side effects sound scary.  If taken within 24 hours of a triptan it can cause coronary artery vasospasm.  (Good thing I avoid triptans like the plague).  It can also cause a severe rise in blood pressure and a racing heart rate.  So my first injection had to be closely monitored and administered over time.  And because of the potential for vomiting, I had to be given benadryl before the shot which would make me sleepy.
It was unpleasant to say the least. The benadryl didn't stop the vomiting and the injection gave me a very similar sensation to triptans - a headache of a different kind.  The best way to describe it is to say that I felt like my brain had been poisoned.
I ended up sleeping most of that day and just feeling "yucky" all day, for lack of a better word.
But did it work?  That's the most important question of all .... I guess it did.  I didn't have a migraine that evening or the next.  (Although I did on day 3)
I'd do it again if the migraines were bad enough and the cycle was long enough.  But I'm still looking for another alternative.

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