Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Strike Three

After a few days of some fairly minor headaches I had the audacity to start to think that maybe I was getting better!  Then the weekend hit.  Two of the worst migraines I've ever had in my life and they lasted nearly all day long.  (Saturday I made the mistake of trying the Amerge.) Monday was another pretty bad one.  So I called Dr. Digre's office and left a message for her or her nurse.  "Please give me something other than a triptan.  The Amerge was awful."
Dr. Digre seems to have no interest in returning my call.   I guess if I'm not in her office where she can take more money from me she doesn't want to help me.
Oh, but she doesn't really want to see me anymore either.
I received a copy of the letter she sent to each of my current doctors regarding her findings, diagnoses, recommendations, etc.  It was pretty thorough, I'll give her that.  But I found it interesting that when she's listing the things that make my headaches worse or trigger my headaches she keeps leaving out smells - even though I told her and her PA REPEATEDLY that smells bother me even more than lights.
Also, one of the meds that she recommended I try in the future is an anti-nausea medication - even though I told her and her PA repeatedly that I do not experience nausea with my migraines.

I guess its pretty obvious that I am not at all impressed.

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