Went back on Verapamil. Felt like, at this point, I was running out of options, and since it had been years since I was on Verapamil and of everything I had ever taken it had worked the best, the longest, and with the fewest side effects, maybe I had been off it long enough it would work again.
So I am now 5 weeks in and ...No luck.
My neurologist was kind enough, when I went in 5 weeks ago to ask for Verapamil, to tell me that we really aren't out of options and to give me some hope.
Monday, I was back to the doctors. It was my regularly scheduled Botox injection which I opted not to have. Sure the reduced wrinkles are nice, but it's not working (and I miss being able to look surprised). :)
So my newest experiment is Keppra. Another anti-convulsant. This one doesn't have the side effect of ADD like Topomax did (thank goodness!). It has a much more pleasant side-effect - it may make me ornery. Some of you may not be able to comprehend how I can possibly be any more ornery. This is going to be an exciting discovery for all of us! I have horrible nightmarish memories of my days on the Nuvra Ring still fresh in my mind and how much I hated the entire world and nearly everyone in it. So honestly, the thought of a mood change as a side-effect is not appealing to me. But I thought of it this way, if I continue to have headaches and migraines every day I'm going to be miserable and that is going to make me ornery and hate the entire world and nearly everyone in it anyway.
The appeal to me when the doctor mentioned Keppra is that it is believed to act on the nervous system and bring it back to balance. Since migraines are now believed to be the result of an over-active or over-sensitive nervous system I have been considering treatments and medications that are more in tune with regulating my nervous system. We'll see if I'm back on here in a month or two complaining about Keppra or signing it's praises.